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Fig. 8 | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Fig. 8

From: CT-based and morphological comparison of glenoid inclination and version angles and mineralisation distribution in human body donors

Fig. 8

Search for optimal ranges of glenoid angles. Inclination (A, B) and ante−/retroversion (C, D) angles (°, Y-axis), covering (grey area) a maximum of physiological mineralisation distribution patterns (x-axis), i.e. predominantly central (A,B), ventral > dorsal (C,D), and a minimum of different patterns. A,B Grey area covers superior inclination ≤10°, green areas expanded margins ≤15° in selected cases. C,D Grey area covers ante−/retroversion angles from − 8° to − 4°, green areas expanded margins ±1° in selected cases. R right, L left shoulders

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