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Table 1 Content of "Health Survey" questionnaire

From: The North Staffordshire Osteoarthritis Project – NorStOP: Prospective, 3-year study of the epidemiology and management of clinical osteoarthritis in a general population of older adults


Measurement method


Perceived general health

MOS SF-12 [8]

physical and mental component summary scores


Keele Assessment of Participation (KAP) [9]

11 item measure of person-perceived, performance-based participation

Social isolation

- Berkman-Syme Social Network Index [10]

4 levels of social connection: 'Most integrated' to 'Most isolated'


- presence and frequency of contact with confidante [11]

"Is there any one special person you know that you feel very close to; someone you can share confidences and feelings with?

Access to material goods and services


car, public transport, telephone, GP, bank, chemist, advice about income, education, work

Anxiety and depression

Hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADs) [12]

anxiety and depression sub-scales

Causes of illness

Illness perceptions questionnaire (IPQ(R)) [13]

causes sub-scale

Demographic characteristics

- date of birth, gender


- marital status

single, married, divorced, widowed, cohabiting, single


- living arrangements

alone, not alone


- ethnic origin

white, afro caribbean, chinese, asian, african, other

Occupational characteristics

- current employment status

employed, not working due to ill health, seeking employment, retired, housewife, other


- current/recent job title


- socio-economic classification

SOC 2000 [14, 15]


- educational attainment

age when left school, completed higher education, gained qualifications as adult

Anthropometric characteristics

-self-reported height


-self-reported weight


Lifestyle characteristics

-alcohol intake

daily, weekly, monthly, annually, never


- smoking status

current, previous, never


- adequacy of income

strain, need to be careful, can manage, comfortably well off


chest problems, heart problems, deafness, eyesight, raised blood pressure, diabetes



falls, memory difficulties, cough with spit, breathless when walking, dizziness, weakness in arms/legs

occurred in past 3 months


Functional Limitations Profile (FLP) [16]

alertness sub-scale score

Sleep problems


4 item sub-scale

Bodily pain

- self-completed manikin

"In the past 4 weeks have you had pain that has lasted for one day or longer in any part of your body?"


- specific sites questions

"Have you had any problems in your hands or pain in your hands/knees/hips/feet in the last year?

Medication use

Painkillers, creams, natural medicine, glucosamine/ chondroitin sulphate

usage in past 4 weeks – daily, most days, some days, few days, no days

Physical function

MOS Short Form-36 [18]

physical functioning sub-scale


- further contact


- access to GP records