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Table 5 Weighted proportions in per cent (%) of different pain characteristics and median pain intensity in the three pain categories based on spreading of pain on the body. Statistical comparisons are furthest to the righta

From: Comorbidities, intensity, frequency and duration of pain, daily functioning and health care seeking in local, regional, and widespread pain—a descriptive population-based survey (SwePain)

Pain category Variables

Local pain (n = 403–416)

Regional pain (n = 2106–2173)

Widespread pain (n = 241–244)

Statistics (p-value)

Pain very often or always (%)




LP vs. RP: <0.001*

LP vs. WSP: <0.001*

RP vs. WSP: <0.001*

Pain duration > 3 months (%)




LP vs. RP: 0.130

LP vs. WSP: <0.001*

RP vs. WSP: <0.001*

Pain intensity last 7 days (median; (1st and 3rd quartile))b

4 (3, 6)

5 (3, 6)

7 (6,8)

LP vs. RP: <0.001*

LP vs. WSP: <0.001*

RP vs. WSP: <0.001*

  1. Range of response rate (n) across the variables is in the pain category column
  2. LP local pain, RP regional pain, WSP widespread pain
  3. *Denotes statistical group difference
  4. aDifferences in proportions are tested pair-wise
  5. bThe mean pain intensity, and sd in parantheses, were in each pain group as follows: 4.2 (1.9), 4.9 (1.9) and 6.5 (1.8)