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Table 1 Clinical and radiographic data before and after TKA with metal block augmentation and stem extension in RA

From: Mid-term clinical results of primary total knee arthroplasty using metal block augmentation and stem extension in patients with rheumatoid arthritis


Preoperative values

Postoperative values

Extension/flexion angle (°)

−10 (0–30)/111 (30–140)

−1 (−5–0)* /116 (90–135)

KSS (knee score/function score)

35 (0–70)/18 (0–70)

90 (76–100)*/64 (5–100)*

FTA while standing in varus/valgus knees (°)

191 (179–204)/159 (153–164)

176 (172–179)*/175 (174–175)

Femoral component coronal (α) and sagittal (γ) angles (°)


93 (89–99)/0 (−5–3)

Tibial component coronal (β) and sagittal (δ) angles (°)


90 (88–92)/85 (81–91)

  1. TKA total knee arthroplasty, RA rheumatoid arthritis, FTA femorotibial angle, KSS Knee Society Score, N/A not available
  2. Values are given as mean (range), *significantly different between patients before and after TKA (p < 0.05)