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Table 1 Summary of intervention delivery and components for both groups

From: Exercise-therapy and education for individuals one year after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a pilot randomised controlled trial


Lower-limb focussed intervention

Trunk-focussed intervention

Who provides

Physiotherapists who have all undergone study-specific training


1-to-1 face-to-face sessions to assess and progress unsupervised exercise-therapy program


Physiotherapy sessions: Private clinics in Hobart and Melbourne

Unsupervised exercise-therapy program: Clinic/public gym, or home

When & how much

Physiotherapy 1-to-1 sessions: 30 min duration, weekly for 4 weeks then every 2 to 3 weeks for 12 weeks

Unsupervised exercise-therapy program: instructions provided via PhysiApp©, 30 to 45 min duration, minimum 3 sessions per week, unsupervised


• Standardised lower-limb exercises (i.e. strength, power, balance), functional retraining (e.g. plyometric, agility) and cardiovascular program

• Choice of priority exercisesa (from the standard set) was individualised

• Exercise progression was individualised

• Individualised education (e.g. exercise rationale, goal setting)

• Passive therapy treatment algorithm if appropriate (e.g. taping)

• Standardised, non-specific trunk strengthening exercises

• Progression of exercises was individualised

• Optional stretching

• Standardised education (e.g. rationale for trunk exercises)

Both groups: exercises progressed based on assessment of pre-defined criteria at each session (i.e., pain, swelling, technique) and resistance training principles

How well

Attendance at physiotherapy recorded by physiotherapists and clinic

Unsupervised exercise program adherence recorded by participants in PhysiApp© smartphone app or paper diaries, and monitored by physiotherapists via Physitrack©

  1. a Physiotherapists could choose 3 to 4 priority exercises (out of a possible 8), based on the participant’s needs and goals. If necessary, all 8 exercise types were included, but it was not compulsory for all eight to be incorporated