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Table 2 Mean (SD) and mean differences (95% CI) between individuals with shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS, n = 39) and asymptomatic age, gender and dominant arm matched controls (n = 39) for acromiohumeral distance (AHD), supraspinatus tendon thickness (STT) measures and occupation ratio

From: Acromiohumeral distance and supraspinatus tendon thickness in people with shoulder impingement syndrome compared to asymptomatic age and gender-matched participants: a case control study



Difference between groups


SIS (n = 39)

Asymp (n = 39)

SIS minus Asymp (95% CI)

Acromiohumeral distance (mm)

11.97 (2.22)

9.83 (1.88)

2.14 (1.21 to 3.07)

< 0.001

Supraspinatus tendon thickness (mm)

7.11 (1.71)

5.86 (1.13)

1.25 (0.60 to 1.90)

< 0.001

Occupation ratio (%)

60.3 (15.5)

61.4 V(15.6)

−1.0 (−8.0, 6.0)
