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Table 2 Correlations of subchondral cyst scores with demographic, clinical and radiographical findings

From: Relationship between DXA measured systemic bone mineral density and subchondral bone cysts in postmenopausal female patients with knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study


NDKMCC (r,p)

NDKLCC (r,p)

NDKTC (r,p)

MCTC (r,p)

LCTC (r,p)

GTC (r,p)


0.183 (0.213)

-0.093 (0.530)

0.051 (0.732)

0.306 (0.034)

-0.112 (0.450)

0.194 (0.187)

BMI (kg/m2)

0.085 (0.565)

0.038 (0.798)

0.098 (0.506)

0.034 (0.818)

-0.012 (0.935)

0.015 (0.920)

Calcifediol (ng/ml)

0.223 (0.128)

0.092 (0.536)

0.211 (0.150)

0.166 (0.259)

0.012 (0.934)

0.113 (0.443)

L1 − 4 BMD

0.298 (0.040)

0.307 (0.034)









L1 − 4 Z score

0.270 (0.063)

0.295 (0.042)

0.317 (0.028)

0.420 (0.003)

0.136 (0.357)

0.344 (0.017)

Femur neck BMD

-0.017 (0.908)

0.186 (0.206)

0.100 (0.499)

-0.005 (0.971)

0.148 (0.316)

0.015 (0.917)

Femur neck Z score

-0.02 (0.987)

0.136 (0.358)

0.079 (0.594)

0.067 (0.649)

0.079 (0.594)

0.048 (0.718)

OST score NDK

0.332 (0.021)

0.153 (0.301)

0.332 (0.021)

0.455 (0.001)

0.086 (0.563)

0.408 (0.004)

Medial JSN score NDK

0.507 (0.000)

0.129 (0.381)

0.459 (0.001)

0.376 (0.009)

0.006 (0.967)

0.356 (0.013)

SC sclerosis score NDK

0.389 (0.006)



0.415 (0.003)

0.486 (0.000)

0.105 (0.479)

0.444 (0.002)

  1. Abbreviations: NDK: non-dominant knee, NDKMCC: non-dominant knee medial compartment SBC score; NDKLCC: non-dominant knee lateral compartment SBC score; NDKTC: non-dominant knee total SBC score; MCTC: medial compartments total SBC score; LCTC: lateral compartments total SBC score; GTC: grand total SBC score of both knees