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Table 3 Quality of included cohort studies (Newcastle Ottawa Scale NOS)

From: The effectiveness of a combined exercise and psychological treatment programme on measures of nervous system sensitisation in adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain - a systematic review and meta-analysis.






Representativeness of exposure

Selection of the non- exposed

Ascertainment of exposure

Outcome not present at start of study

Comparability on the basis of design or analysis

Assessment of outcome

Follow-up long enough for outcomes

Adequacy of follow up

Final Score

Sitges et al. [52]










Georgopoulos et al. [51]










  1. Legend
  2. Each item in the table gets a maximum of 1 point, if it meets the evaluation criteria, which is recorded as “*”
  3. “-” denotes that the study did not meet the evaluation criteria
  4. There are 8 evaluation items in total, with a full score of 8 points
  5. A higher score means the least risk of bias
  6. NOS: Newcastle Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale